Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Super Peak Season of a College Student

I finally submitted my dissertation (a.k.a. thesis) yesterday! *heaving a sigh of relief. I had been doing this dissertation since last year September. Oh my god, it's the most draggy assignment I've ever had.

Yet..my excitement is sooooo short-lived

Because tomorrow I need to submit a crisis management assignment plus a group presentation. I sort of having a crisis right now. I guess the progress is only 5% completed.

100% report writing is on ME
100% presentation slide is on ME
100% creating cue cards is on ME
33.3% presentation is on ME
AND 3 people share the SAME mark.

Why am i being so generous? Whew..That would be a looooooooong story. I have to say that my 2 free-rider group members actually saved me in some sort of way.

keke...Sure I will manage to pull it through. Whether I would be able to produce a good assignment on short notice, that's another story lah...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

30 Days to go !!

30 Days to savour my freedom!

I wanna scream till my throat feeling sore.
I wanna run till my legs can't carry me anymore.
I wanna yumcha till my bladder can't contain urine anymore.
I wanna watch movie till my eyes get swollen.
I wanna play PC games day & night, like I'm competing for "PC gamer with the highest endurance" award.
I wanna put away my notes & hoping I'm not going to see them for the rest of my life.
I wanna play with my nephew and be more hyperactive than him

These are kinda extreme right? Hehe...

This is what I really want
I wanna take good care of myself.
No more taking myself for granted. ;)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Try to imagine this:

You have a serious problem, the outcome will be so damn important to you.

You have sleepless nights thinking of the problem.

You desperately need a friend's help to solve the problem.

He / She is the only one who can rescue you.

He / She offered to help

[How can you reject?]

OK. He / She promised.


He / She was not committed to help you. (helped, but not commited)

You will be so screwed up, if it doesn't turn out the way you want.

You cannot complain.

And last but not least, he's / she's one of your best friends.

Enough said.


Saturday, March 17, 2007

I can't wait to say goodbye

I can't wait to graduate. It's not because I don't like studying. Struggling to meet assignment deadlines, cramming notes into my head before exam and facing the mind challenging classmates, I had had enough of them. I feel like I have been staying at one stage and doing the same thing for too long. I just have an urge to move ahead. I need changes.

I am well-aware that working life is no vacation, so neither is studying life. We have to meet all kind of challenge no matter we where are. Well, then I rather get paid with the presence of challenge..hehe..

I went to SS19 this afternoon for lunch with my dear friend. Haha..instead of going back straight home to finish up my Chapter 5, I ended up watching "Heroes" for 5 consecutives hours with her. It was a nice and relaxing activity to run away from the cruel reality. The cruel reality is to bury myself into tonnes of assignment, which are supposed to be done by a few person.

Yay! When this cruel reality ends...I have tonnes of activities waiting for me.
Joey Yung's Reflection Concert in Genting Highland (0h, she comes to pay me a visit :p)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (i'm coming, baby)
Spiderman 3 (*drooling, arh i gotta change my shirt)
A trip to Penang - Ipoh (i wanna eat like there is no tomorrow)
A trip to Singapore
Tonnes of movies to watch
Tonnes of PC games to play (Dreamfall, yes!)
Catching up with my friends (i miss u guys terribly)

Oh...just by imagining these things, really help to soothe my mind.
ALL I WANT to do is to make up for what I have lost in the past 3.5 years.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Life has been difficult

Life has been difficult. Whose life isn't?

I have enrolled into a so-called prestigious just-turned-into university-college status institution - with a screwed up full-franchise UK programme. All the results are closely monitored so the lecturer's ass would not be fried in the board meeting in every semester.

Situation 1
"Sir, my assignment is marked 79%. Is there anything I could improve to get better mark?"
"No, I actually think your assignment is very, very good enough already."
[then why the heck you're not giving me 85% ? #$^%$&#XO]

Situation 2
"Sir, after I have amended the draft copy, do you think I can score this assignment?"
"Errrrrrr...it's good enough already...errrrr...don't worry sure you can get 70 above."
"Do you think I can achieve 79 like the previous assignment?"
"Cannot leh..this time it's a group assignment. You see I can't give out so many high marks. Otherwise I would be questioned during the board meeting."
[oh really? so i heard of...]

Situation 3
"Sir, is there any way that I can do the group assignment by my own. I wanna go solo."
"There's too much conflicts between us. The assignment just keeps stalling and stalling."
"You can't. It's already written clearly in the guidelines. This assignment is meant to be done by group. If I let you do it by yourself. I would be questioned during the board meeting and my sorry ass would be fried by the mat sallehs"
[what? again?]

Situation like this happened too often. I know a handful of my classmates would whispering among themselves "what a demanding freak am I." I am so tired of working so hard and not getting what I think I deserve.

My point is - the mark is NOT significantly influenced by your hard work Or smart work OR whatever you deserve.

The mark is significantly influenced by the "frying ass" factor. As long as the lecturer's ass will be safe, then they can give me the safe "maximum" mark which is NOT more than 80.


Yesterday, my group members ganged up on me.

3 against 1.

Lose-lose situation for me.

While my college life is soon to be over in 40+ days, God is giving me a taste "how does it like to work in the jungle out there?" For God's sake, I have been working since 18 and I have never met such (*sigh) smart, shrewd, selfish people from such different diversities.

Can it be more worse?

I must persevere....

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I am INFP of Myers-Brigs Personality types

Myers-Brigs Personality Tests

Dominant Introverted Feeling

Usually gentle and kind, they are intense and passionate about their values and deeply held beliefs, which they share with trusted friends. Because of their discreet manner, their enthusiasm may not be apparent. They are sensitive to others' pain, restlessness or general discomfort and strive to find happiness, balance and wholeness for themselves in order to help others find joy, satisfaction and plenitude. They are deeply empathetic.

They live life in an intently personal fashion, acting on the belief that each person is unique and that social norms are to be respected only if they do not hinder personal development or expression. They strive to adhere to their own high personal moral standards and are particularly sensitive to inconsistencies in their environment between what is being said and what is being done. Empty promises of adhering to something they value – such as environmental causes or human rights - set off an inner alarm and they may transform themselves into modern day Joan of Arcs.

They are quietly persistent in raising awareness of cherished causes and often fight for the underdog in quiet or not-so-quiet ways. In a team, they will raise issues of integrity, authenticity, and good or bad, and may to opt out if the team refuses to address the questions raised.

They are usually tolerant and open-minded, insightful, flexible and understanding. They live for the understanding of others and feel deeply grateful when someone takes the time to get to know them personally. They have good listening skills, are genuinely concerned, insightful, and usually avid readers. At their best, they inspire others to be themselves.